Friday, December 19, 2008

First Mayan Food Festival at Hacienda Chichen Resort, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico

This past 12th of December, 2008, Executive Chef Josue Cime and his cooking team offered a feast of Mayan Culinary delights to guests and visitors at the Hacienda Chichen´s First Annual Mayan Food Festival. For two days, the Chef offered free Mayan Cooking Classes and healthy organic snacks created with fresh ripe fruits and veggies from this unique Green Boutique Hotel’s own Organic Grown Crops.

Visitors enjoy Papadzul Tamales with pumpkin seed and fresh tomatoes sauce; Chaya Empanadas, a vegetarian traditional recipe; Mango and Tangerine Colada; Classic Guacamole; Chicken Chili mole and other delicious delights. This First Mayan Food Festival was so successful that the Chef got encourage to Celebrate the 6th of January 2009 with guests, visitors, and tourists alike; he plans to share "Día de Reyes" a traditional Colonial Festivity popular all over Mexico where children get their presents and gifts from family friends, and everybody enjoys a special Hot Cocoa (chocolate) Drink and shares the traditional "Rosca con el Niño Jesus" (a brioche egg bread shaped as a crown with a small porcelain baby Jesus in it). All guests are invited to take a big slice of this bread; the person that gets the little figurine is expected to invite the group to a party for he or she is the future host of another Grin Fiesta in February!

So, if you plan to be in Chichen Itza, on Jan.5th and 6th, take the time to join in this enchanting Mexican Fiesta which will be hosted from 4 PM to 6 PM at the Main Garden of the hotel. Personal donations are welcome to support the Maya Foundation In Laakeech own Día de Reyes fiesta for the Mayan Children Nutrition Clinic in Xcalacoop; please give and share freely, a dollar can do so much good to help us help their nutritional needs.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mayan Special Vacation Packages

Travelers looking for eco-cultural vacations to visit Yucatan, Mexico, should view our web-page where a selection of Vacation Packages are offered at discount prices.

Come and experience the Maya Culture and its traditions as you help the Mayan communities near Chichen Itza. Take time to know the mystical traditions of the Maya people and help us help them have a better future! If you wish to volunteer or participate in the volunteer vacation program of the Maya Foundation In Laakeech, please contact us now via email:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

YUCATAN ADVENTURE'S TRAVEL BLOG: Be a Maya Foundation In Laakeech Volunteer

YUCATAN ADVENTURE'S TRAVEL BLOG: Be a Maya Foundation In Laakeech Volunteer

Help us help the Mayan communities nearby Chichen Itza in Yucatan, Mexico. The Maya Foundation In Laakeech has a volunteer travel program for people that wish to donate their time and teach job related skills to the young adult Mayan people in these communities.

Please contact Jose Tamay to request further information about this non-profit civil association dedicated to the welfare of the Maya people. Travelers wishing to help, may also do so, by donating old used clothes, multi-vitamins, cheap drug store reading glasses for adults, or any small item that can be packed and given as a gift of love to the Mayan families in need.

Contact us via email: for further details on how to help!

Sunday, September 21, 2008



On the weekend of September 26th - 28th, 2008 over 60 Senior Mayan Healers and Priests (J-Men and Ix Men) will participate in the Second Symposium of Maya Holistic Healing Traditions. These holy healers will conduct intensive Healing Tradition dialogues, lectures and practices in private sessions during two days in Cantamayec, Yucatan, Mexico

Their desire is to encourage the new generations to learn about the Mayan Healing Traditions, practice their ancestors’ rituals, holistic approach to healing and mystical ceremonies and sacred Cosmo-vision, the art of living in harmony with the Earth, Nature and the Cosmos.

On Sunday September 28, 2008, these Maya Wisemen and Healers will have an Open to the Public Agenda of Maya Healing Rituals and Private Mayan holistic consulting which you are invited to participate in. Please contact us if you are interested in going so we can help you make arrangements to arrive on time to the Maya village of Cantamayec. The Sunday Program includes Mayan Sacred Ceremonies as well as a Mayan Holistic Workshop dedicated to the understanding of "Sacred Sounds and Musical Tones" imparted by Ing. Manuel Rosado; participation is free and you can register via email to:


Se realizará en Cantamayec, Yucatán, del 26 al 28 de septiembre de 2008, con la participación de 60 Sacerdotes y Médicos Tradicionales Mayas (Aj Men, J-Men) de todo el Mayab. Este Encuentro tiene como propósito el crear un dialogo entre los Aj Men y las Ix Men participantes, en el que puedan comunicarse e intercambiar sus conocimientos, prácticas y rituales; de este modo, se fortalezca y vitalice la integración genuina de sus conocimientos, para que sigan cumpliendo con la valiosa función de preservar, difundir y practicar la Cosmovisión, Espiritualidad y Medicina Mayas.

Hoy en día, la edad de la mayoría de los Aj Men y las Ix Men oscila entre los 50 y 70 años, lo cual significa que en unos 30 años mas, estos hombres y mujeres (Ix Men) ilustres serán solo recuerdo histórico de no difundir esta tradicional actividad tan noble entre los Mayas. La primordial razón por la que este oficio de servicio comunitario se esta abandonando entre los jovenes Mayas es que esta noble actividad genera muy pocos ingresos para quien la practica. Sin embargo, los actuales Aj Men y Ix Men estan promoviendo entre los jovenes el salvo-guardar sus tradiciones misticas y espirituales para mantener esta importante actividad cultural entre los Mayas.

Al finalizar este Segundo Encuentro Holístico el domingo 28, 2008; todas las actividades estarán abiertas al público en general, y serán las siguientes:

1) 6:00 AM a 7:00 AM - Ceremonia Maya llamada U ts'aak Mejen paalal

2) 9:00 AM a 12:00 M - Consultas al público en general, limpias, oraciones o asesoría espiritual; la cuota es voluntaria y se le entrega directamente al Aj Men, Ix Men.

3) 9:00 AM a 12:00 M - Taller de Sonidos Sagrados Ancestrales, impartido por el Ing. Manuel Rosado Sarmiento, entrada gratuita, abierta a todo público. Favor de llevar un tapete para recostarte en el suelo, y se puede llevar alguno de estos instrumentos: Tambor, tunkul, caracol, tunjá y/o sonaja.
Este taller es vivencial, y su propósito es que conozcas las propiedades de cada uno de estos sonidos y el efecto que tienen en el organismo, mente y espíritu humanos.

4) 12:30 PM - Clausura y Ceremonia Maya de U Máank’inalij K’aam Nikte’ ,
Pueblo de Cantamayec, Yucatan, Mexico.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

An Important Ancient Mayan City has been found in Yucatan, Mexico

INAH Archaeologists Thelma Sierra and Agustín Peña did a brief fieldwork on a new Mayan site located in the South of Yucatan. Both archaeologists are concerned that INAH has yet to assign a budget to safe-guard this site. Sadly, there are no official INAH guards on site to protect this magnificent ancient Mayan city, a site as large as Chichen Itza.

Today, this unique archaeological site's many steles, ceramics, sculptures and temples are exposed to fraudulent activities due to lack of proper safe measures from INAH officials. The site has many fabulous carved stones and sculptures that indicate it was a major commercial metropolis to the ancient Maya.

Zona Arqueológica de gran importancia ha sido descubierta en Yucatán

Ubicada al sur del estado, en el ejido San Diego Buenavista, esta vasta urbe maya aun sin nombre corre peligro de saqueos y poca vigilancia en su entorno. Los arqueólogos Thelma Sierra Sosa y Agustín Peña Castillo, quienes trabajan para el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) en Yucatán, afirman que todo indica que esta urbe es tan grande como las ciudades de Chichén Itzá y Teotihuacán, por las dimensiones de los edificios; la presencia de estelas y gran variedad de cerámica prehispánica importada. Los trabajos de rescate que se realizan actualmente son parte de los recursos destinados para la construcción de una carretera en el Cono Sur del Estado y provienen de la Dirección de Vías Terrestres de Yucatán, no del INAH, ya que se esta al construir una carretera que pasé por está Zona Arqueológica recién descubierta.

Ambos arqueólogos lamentan que a pesar de la evidente importancia de este hallazgo, el INAH aun no ha destinado recursos para la protección de esta zona arqueológica maya, ni ha puesto custodios para salvaguardar estos vestigios mayas abiertamente expuestos a posibles saqueos.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We invite you to participate in Chichen Itza Sacred Mayan Ceremonial Site Anniversary with the Maya Elder Wiseman, J-Men, and Elder Healers on June 28th, 2008 at 9am. The ceremonial site is at the Hacienda Chichen Maya Jungle Reserve in Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. All guests and visitors are invited to participate in this spiritual celebration starting with the SAKA Ceremony and followed by Chef Josue Cime's traditional Mayan cook-out. Participation is free of charge but donations are most welcome.
Contact us at for further information.
La Asociación de Ancianos y Sacerdotes Mayas KUCH KAAB Y'EETEL J'MEN MAAYA'OB, A.C invita a nuestros visitantes a la ceremonia maya del “Saka” para celebrar el primer aniversario del Centro Ceremonial Maya de Chichen Itza, el dia 29 de junio, 2008 a las 9:00 AM. Para mayor información contáctenos vía email a:

Be a Maya Foundation In Laakeech Volunteer

We invite viewers to support our non-profit volunteer work for the Maya Foundation In Laakeech, come and share your job related skills, such as computer basic use, handyman skills or manual crafts that may help Mayan families have economic alternatives to support their families. Doctors, nurses, teachers, retired couples and regular students have join in our volunteer program dedicated to help the Mayan communities nearby Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. Hacienda Chichen Resort sponsors the exchange volunteer program by donating free rooming to our abroad volunteers, so contact us via email to: if you wish to learn more about the ways you can help us help!
Please visit our Volunteer Magazine and Eco-Cultural travel Guide:
Fundación Maya In Láakéech A.C., asociación civil no lucrativa dedicada al bienestar social de las comunidades mayas cercanas a Chichen Itza, Yucatán, México, le invita a colaborar. Compartimos nuestros esfuerzos con empresas comprometidas al turismo sustentable y la promoción de los valores culturales mayas, su lengua, arte, medicina tradicional, cocina, rituales, ceremonias y cosmovisión. Si desea donar su tiempo, o apoyar enseñando algún oficio práctico que beneficie la economía de las familias mayas, favor de comunicarse con nosotros vía email a:

Nos dará mucho gusto que visite nuestro Magazine y guía turística donde encontrara articulos sobre la cultura maya y de interés eco-culturales.


CONGRATULATIONS ! to the Mayan Elder Healers and J-Men Wiseman, who were granted a special permit for the first time in decades, to celebrate their Mayan Holistic Ceremony U ts'ítsja'il yáalal ja' to bless the water flow of Chichen Itza's Sacred Cenote. Amazingly, even though the Maya Wiseman are holly elders promoting the Maya cultural and spiritual traditions of their ancestors, their entrance to the archaeological zone to celebrate their ritual was the first ever granted by INAH officials.

FELICITACIONES al Consejo de Ancianos y Sacerdotes Mayas por la Ceremonia Maya de "Bendición del Manantial" (En maya: U ts'ítsja'il yáalal ja' ) el día sábado 7 de junio de 2008 a las 11 de la mañana. Esta ceremonia, celebrada por J-Men Bartolome Poot, es la primera en decadas realizada a orillas del Cenote Sagrado de Chichén Itzá, Yucatán, México.