Friday, September 4, 2009

9th Maya Language and Culture Symposium in Huitan, Chiapas, Mexico

This past August 2009, the Mayan J-Men Senior Healers and Wiseman had their 9th Maya Language and Culture Symposium in Huitan, Chiapas, Mexico and M.H. Jose Tamay participated with Lorenzo Tamay as the Maya Foundation In Laakeech spokemen. Both Mayan leaders are members of the MFIL Board of Trustees, MFIL is a NGO sustainable civil volunteer association dedicated to the welfare of the Mayan Communities near Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico.

M.H.W J-Men Idelfonso Ake celebrated the main sacred Maya ceremonies during the 4 day events, as did M.H. Jose Tamay and other Mayan spiritual leaders of Yucatan, Campeche, Q.Roo, Chiapas, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Living Universe View from Maya Cosmo-Vision Traditions and Teachings

In an effort to help travelers familiarize themselves with the Maya Cosmo-vision and the subtle Maya holistic understanding of reality, the J-Men (Mayan Senior Wise-man and Mayan Holly Shamans) have granted Yucatan Adventure Eco-Travel Guide an interview to explain the importance of learning to view the universe as a dynamic fabric of ever-changing living energies. A intimate Cosmos of interconnected consciousness unfolding, expanding, and contracting, in a dance of conscious creativeness, where living energies flow from visible to invisible conscious forms, evolving and regenerating every moment.
The Maya Cosmo-vision teachings can awaken our awareness that our universe is a living conscious, a holistic unified continuum of creative spiritual powers manifesting as a vast ocean of amazing life expressions and unfolding realities. You, I, and All that exists are One great manifestation of a Creative Cosmic Consciousness which ancient Maya subtly acknowledge as the Supreme Unnamed God creator of that which exists visible and non-visible, including our Living Universes and beyond.

Read the full version of this highly interesting article about the Mayan wisdom and Maya Cosmo-vision traditions that parallel to Quantum Theory scientists understanding of our Cosmos and the timeless existential quest humans have faced for generations to know "who are we?"... "where are we?"..... "where are we going?" Thus Mastering the Art of Living on our Planet Earth in harmony with all that exists knowing that we are part of a Whole Creative Consciousness inseparable of the Supreme One and all that exists in our amazing Cosmos: A Living Universe.

We invite you to review our Yucatan Adventure Eco-Travel Guide by the Maya Foundation In Laakeech, our NGO sustainable social worker team.